3 biology powerpoints
3 biology powerpoint each 6-15 slides eachone slide must include 5 multiple choice questionsYou will also notice that Power Points aremissingfor , # 8, #10 and #12. This will become one of your 2 assignments ! You will compose the PPTs that you think are needed for 8,10,12. So if you work through TOXTUTOR…….you should very comfortably be able to put together what YOU think would be the PPT necessary to teach the material in each of those 3 sections. I would expect PPTs to be anywhere from 6-15 slides,depending upon the significance of the material presented by TOXTUTOR. Also include one slide with 5 multiple choice questions ( with indication of correct answer ) which you feel appropriate for each of those 4 sections. THIS WILL BE Assignment #1 I suggest that you get through this material and construct the PPTs with quizchapter 8………..https://toxtutor.nlm.nih.gov/08-000.htmlchapter 10……….https://toxtutor.nlm.nih.gov/10-000.htmlchapter 12……….https://toxtutor.nlm.nih.gov/12-000.html