After reviewing the Coleman 2016 article on executive compensation and reading this week s assigned readings choose one of two statements below and construct an argument supporting your position

Executive Compensation

After reviewing the Coleman (2016) article on executive compensation and reading this week’s assigned readings, choose one of two statements below and construct an argument supporting your position:

  1. The market trend towards escalating executive compensation reflects the critical importance of an executive to an organization’s long-term viability.
  2. The growing compensation inequity between executive management and the average employee threatens to destabilize organizational morale and societal justice.

Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Be sure to cite at least two scholarly references, in addition to the course text and the article.


Weathington, B. L. & Weathington, J. G. (2016). Compensation and benefits: Aligning rewards with strategy [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

  • Chapter 9: Executive Compensation and Extreme Pay
  • Chapter 10: Compensation and Benefits from an International Perspective


Coleman, B. (n.d.). Executive compensation (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Retrieved from…

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