apply balanced scorecard template 1
Develop three strategic objectives for each of the four balanced scorecard areas using balance template. (attached)
1BUS/475: Balanced Scorecard Template100
1Financial strategic objectives(18%)
Does Not Meet ExpectationsDid not assess three advantages and three disadvantages of mediation. |
Approaches ExpectationsFinancial strategic objectives are in the Balanced Scorecard format; however, less than three objectives are identified. |
Meets ExpectationsThree Financial strategic objectives are identified. However, some objectives do not make sense in light of the organization’s mission/vision. |
Exceeds ExpectationsFinancial strategic objectives are in the balanced scorecard format. The objectives make sense in light of the organization’s mission and vision. |
2Customer strategic objectives(18%)
Does Not Meet ExpectationsCustomer strategic objectives are in the Balanced Scorecard format. |
Approaches ExpectationsCustomer strategic objectives are in the Balanced Scorecard format; however, less than three objectives are identified. |
Meets ExpectationsThree Customer strategic objectives are identified. However, some objectives do not make sense in light of the organization’s mission/vision. |
Exceeds ExpectationsCustomer strategic objectives are in the balanced scorecard format. The objectives make sense in light of the organization’s mission and vision. |
3Internal Business Process strategic objective(18%)
Does Not Meet ExpectationsInternal Business Process strategic objectives are in the Balanced Scorecard format. |
Approaches ExpectationsInternal Business Process strategic objectives are in the Balanced Scorecard format but less than three objectives are identified. |
Meets ExpectationsThree Internal Business Process strategic objectives are identified. However, some objectives do not make sense in light of the organization’s mission/vision. |
Exceeds ExpectationsInternal Business Process strategic objectives are in the balanced scorecard format. The objectives make sense in light of the organization’s mission and vision. |
4Learning and Growth strategic objectives(18%)
Does Not Meet ExpectationsLearning and Growth strategic objectives are in the Balanced Scorecard format. |
Approaches ExpectationsLearning and Growth strategic objectives are in the Balanced Scorecard format; however, less than three objectives are identified. |
Meets ExpectationsThree Learning and Growth strategic objectives are identified. However, some objectives do not make sense in light of the organization’s mission/vision. |
Exceeds ExpectationsLearning and Growth strategic objectives are in the balanced scorecard format. The objectives make sense in light of the organization’s mission and vision. |
5Assess in no more than 350-words trends, assumptions, and risks of Hoosier Media, Inc’s business model.(18%)
Does Not Meet ExpectationsA written analysis, which assesses trends, assumptions, and risks of Hoosier Media, Inc’s business model was not submitted. |
Approaches ExpectationsA written analysis of Hoosier Media, Inc’s business model was submitted. However, trends, assumptions, and risks were underdeveloped or unclear. |
Meets ExpectationsA written analysis of Hoosier Media, Inc’s business model was submitted. Trends, assumptions, and risks are less than complete or do not make sense in light of the mission/vision. |
Exceeds ExpectationsA thorough and comprehensive written analysis of trends, assumptions, and risks of Hoosier Media, Inc’s business model was submitted. The paper is no more than 350 words. |
Does Not Meet ExpectationsAssignment is organized in a logical or coherent manner but not both. Multiple errors in grammar and spelling. |
Approaches ExpectationsAssignment is generally organized in a logical and coherent manner. Several errors in grammar and spelling. |
Meets ExpectationsAssignment is generally organized in a logical and coherent manner. Few errors in grammar and spelling. |
Exceeds ExpectationsAssignment is fully organized in a logical and coherent manner. Little to no errors in grammar and spelling. |