apply balanced scorecard template 1

Develop three strategic objectives for each of the four balanced scorecard areas using balance template. (attached)

1BUS/475: Balanced Scorecard Template100

1Financial strategic objectives(18%)
Does Not Meet Expectations

Did not assess three advantages and three disadvantages of mediation.

Approaches Expectations

Financial strategic objectives are in the Balanced Scorecard format; however, less than three objectives are identified.

Meets Expectations

Three Financial strategic objectives are identified. However, some objectives do not make sense in light of the organization’s mission/vision.

Exceeds Expectations

Financial strategic objectives are in the balanced scorecard format. The objectives make sense in light of the organization’s mission and vision.

2Customer strategic objectives(18%)
Does Not Meet Expectations

Customer strategic objectives are in the Balanced Scorecard format.

Approaches Expectations

Customer strategic objectives are in the Balanced Scorecard format; however, less than three objectives are identified.

Meets Expectations

Three Customer strategic objectives are identified. However, some objectives do not make sense in light of the organization’s mission/vision.

Exceeds Expectations

Customer strategic objectives are in the balanced scorecard format. The objectives make sense in light of the organization’s mission and vision.

3Internal Business Process strategic objective(18%)
Does Not Meet Expectations

Internal Business Process strategic objectives are in the Balanced Scorecard format.

Approaches Expectations

Internal Business Process strategic objectives are in the Balanced Scorecard format but less than three objectives are identified.

Meets Expectations

Three Internal Business Process strategic objectives are identified. However, some objectives do not make sense in light of the organization’s mission/vision.

Exceeds Expectations

Internal Business Process strategic objectives are in the balanced scorecard format. The objectives make sense in light of the organization’s mission and vision.

4Learning and Growth strategic objectives(18%)
Does Not Meet Expectations

Learning and Growth strategic objectives are in the Balanced Scorecard format.

Approaches Expectations

Learning and Growth strategic objectives are in the Balanced Scorecard format; however, less than three objectives are identified.

Meets Expectations

Three Learning and Growth strategic objectives are identified. However, some objectives do not make sense in light of the organization’s mission/vision.

Exceeds Expectations

Learning and Growth strategic objectives are in the balanced scorecard format. The objectives make sense in light of the organization’s mission and vision.

5Assess in no more than 350-words trends, assumptions, and risks of Hoosier Media, Inc’s business model.(18%)
Does Not Meet Expectations

A written analysis, which assesses trends, assumptions, and risks of Hoosier Media, Inc’s business model was not submitted.

Approaches Expectations

A written analysis of Hoosier Media, Inc’s business model was submitted. However, trends, assumptions, and risks were underdeveloped or unclear.

Meets Expectations

A written analysis of Hoosier Media, Inc’s business model was submitted. Trends, assumptions, and risks are less than complete or do not make sense in light of the mission/vision.

Exceeds Expectations

A thorough and comprehensive written analysis of trends, assumptions, and risks of Hoosier Media, Inc’s business model was submitted. The paper is no more than 350 words.

Does Not Meet Expectations

Assignment is organized in a logical or coherent manner but not both. Multiple errors in grammar and spelling.

Approaches Expectations

Assignment is generally organized in a logical and coherent manner. Several errors in grammar and spelling.

Meets Expectations

Assignment is generally organized in a logical and coherent manner. Few errors in grammar and spelling.

Exceeds Expectations

Assignment is fully organized in a logical and coherent manner. Little to no errors in grammar and spelling.

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