Note: You will write 2 papers. The first is due at the midpoint in the course and the other is due at the end.
Summary: A 2-3 page formal analysis of a work of art. The work must be from the regions and time period covered by the course. (See the Course Description in the syllabus.) You must see the work
of art in-person, You must submit a selfie taken in front_ofite artwork or c. h t vou took in the museum must be included with) paper). In order to write a successful paper, you should spend at
least 30 minutes standing in the room in front of the art v,7ork carefully examining it.
Objective: This assignment will acquaint you with analyzing and describing a work of art, as well as using primary sources (the work of art) as well as research in at least one credible secondary
source. See Research Tools for links to help you find good secondary sources. The research in secondary sources will develop informational literacy.
Related to Major Learning Outcomes
1. Distinguish and analyze the variety of techniques and formal visual elements of individual -,,i;or?..s of art in different media. 2. Define and differentiate the various styles within Western
Instructions_ This assignment will require that you see the work of art in-person. While standing in front of the work, describe it in as much detail as you can. Focus on details that you would not
be abe to see in a photograph. Try W analyze how the artist achieves the final composition by carefully detailing how s/he utilizes the “formal” elements of the work (i.e. color, composition, es or
forms, line or contour, mass and volume, light, texture, depth, balance, etc.) and these elements work together to create the final composition as to shape the content and meaning. (Refer to
Barnet’s A Short Guide to Writing About Art for details.) Note: A urn of 20% of the paper in cited research will be allowed_ This information must be: (1) paraphrased in your own words and (2)
properly cited (in MLA or ChAcago format). Quotations are not allowed.
How to Submit and Due Dates: You will see a lirk in Assignments in which to submit • July 10: First paper. Submit your paper topic (documentation for the art work you ,c,a ye the artist (if known),
title, date, media & materials (10 points) • July 17: First paper. Turn in the paper (90 points) • July 17: Second paper. Submit your paper topic (documentation for the art work you havc: chosen):
the artist (if known), title, date, media 8z materials (10 points) • My 24: Second paper. Turn in the paper (90 points)

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