Behavioral Plan
Describe a hypothetical class of your own design and creation. Include in your description a listing of the number of students with specific learning issues. Select one hypothetical student from your class and develop a specific behavior plan designed to address this student’s behavioral needs and issues.As a subset of your plan, construct a detailed behavior management plan for one different student in your class.Potential Problems: Narrative relating key information about your selected student.Behavioral issue(s) is/are clearly identified, and the impact of the behavior(s) is/are clearly explained. Include key information that relates to your class’s specific needs and/or requirements. The reader should be able to “see” your class through this description.In addition to the rules: Where does this student have difficulties integrating into your classroom community? Identify “extra” rules that are needed for this student.Routines: How is this student expected to behave on a daily behavior during your class? What classroom routines do you expect all students to follow that might act as a trigger for this student’s misbehavior? What adaptations to your classroom routines could help this student maintain positive behaviors?Transitions: What routines will help this student transition more efficiently between activities, locations, and/or events?Positive Reinforcements: How will this student’s acceptable behaviors be reinforced?Consequences: How will this student’s negative behaviors be addressed?
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