Pick one of the following poems (sonnet):
R.S. Gwynn – Skaspearean Sonnet
A.E Stallings – Sine Qua Non
Mark Jarman – Unholy Sonnet: After the Praying
Kim Addonizio – First Poem for You
William Meredith – The Illiterate
Robert Frost – Acquainted with the Night
Edna St. Vincent Millay – What lips my lips have kissed, and where and why
Michael Drayton – Since there’s no help, come let us kiss and part
Now choose any short poem from our reading list and write an explication of its meaning. Analyze it line by line to demonstrate how the author has created its total effect for the reader. Don’t simply paraphrase the meaning—though you will need to do some paraphrasing—but examine and comment on the particular details of imagery, tone, sound, diction, and themes that help shape its meaning. Remember to:
• Start with the poem’s first line and analyze it to the end.
• Read it closely with attention to the poem’s details.
• Show how each part of the poem contributes to the meaning of the whole
This paper should be 4-5 pages.