classification analysis
I already visit the stores and I attached my classification sheet below all you have to do is question #3 thats all
You must visit a Ross store and their competitor to organize a classification analysis
n 1-Ross: Review the Ladies Family of Business and submit a classification analysis, select one area in Ladies and complete a through classification analysis.
n 2-Competitor: Then review the same area of the Ladies at a competitor and submit a classification analysis for the competitor.
n 3-You will have to look for opportunities that they may not be maximizing; increase % of business, new areas they don’t have, etc. Write about your findings and submit with the competitor classification analysis. Please review the reading in the work book section15,16 ,and 17 before you begin this assignment.
n See the file below – you will turn in a digital copy of one completed spread sheet for Ross stores and one for a competitor also submit a one page written analysis comparing the inventory and areas for opportunities for Ross Stores