Climate change essay

This topic is of great concern, but there is some debate about it.  In geologic terms, climate has changed for millions-billions of years on earth.  So, in the big scheme, climate change is natural and expected, regardless of human activities.  However, there is no denying that humans have an impact on the planet, and one of those impacts is emission of CO2, CH4, and other greenhouse gasses.  This essay should explore the basics of climate change on a geological timescale, the impacts humans are having on climate currently, what the projected impacts in the near future are (if any), and should we alter our behavior/activities.  The expectation is that this essay should be 4-5 pages double spaced, but you will submit through Canvas.  When you copy and paste it, it may revert it to single spacing, but that is expected.  I have provided several links in canvas regarding this topic in the Modules Section, but you may need to find additional information.  Correct citations and a bibliography/literature cited section is required, but does not count toward the 4-5 page length requirement.

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