Critically assess the relationship between sport and ONE of the following: – Commercialisation – The media – Globalisation – Social class – Gender – ‘Race’/ethnicity – National –

Question: Critically assess the relationship between sport and ONE of the following: – Commercialisation – The media – Globalisation – Social class – Gender – ‘Race’/ethnicity – National
Order Description
This is a deliberately broad question that should allow you to explore in depth one of the main topics we cover in the module. You will need to narrow the scope of your essay by focusing on a sub-
theme within one of these broad topics. Below are a very few examples of more ‘bite-size’ essay topics. These are illustrative only. There is no need to do any of these; they are here just off the
top of my head as possible sub-topics within the broader topics. We will have a dedicated seminar in Week 4, by which time you should, as a minimum, have chosen your topic, read around a little bit
and started to narrow your scope to a specific question.
Social class
Critically assess the use of large-scale participation surveys to develop policy around sport
and social class.
– This would involve a close examination of the data used in current policy around sport participation. Are the data fit for purpose? What are alternatives? What might the data not capture? Are the
definitions of participation appropriate? What about data measuring social class, or social capital?
Critically assess sport policy designed to increase access to voluntary sports clubs from people who are not traditionally members.
– This might involve a close examination of policy developed and implemented by e.g. Sport England to encourage openness in voluntary sports clubs. How does the policy intend to work? What have
been its intended and unintended consequences? What are the experiences of people within voluntary sports clubs (e.g. the article for follow-up reading from Week 2 focuses on this issue in tennis
Critically assess the policy within sport of seeking to increase participation among specific ‘target groups’ (e.g. people from lower social class backgrounds). Does this ‘problematise’ the target
– This might involve a critical review of policy around ‘targeting’ – setting this in its temporal context and its wider socio-political context. How do such policies work? What are the rationales
that underpin them? What is the evidence of their success/failure? Do such policies ‘problematise’ target groups and ignore structural barriers?
Critically assess the practice of female athletes appearing in glamour magazines. Is this empowerment, or a re-emphasising of traditional gender roles?
– This might involve analysis of media portrayal of female athletes. You could look at feminist theories around sport and gender and how they might apply to this particular issue.
Critically assess the involvement of women in decision-making structures within sport.
– This might involve a brief history, putting the contemporary situation in its temporal context. How has legislation affected women’s roles? What are the claimed effects of more female
representation (e.g. increased participation rates, better decision-making processes)? Are the rationales for it instrumental (i.e. a means to an end), or normative? What evidence is there for its
effects? What are the intended and unintended
consequences of policy in this area?
Critically assess the policy within sport of seeking to increase participation among specific ‘target groups’ (e.g. women). Does this ‘problematise’ the target group?
– This might involve a critical review of policy around ‘targeting’ – setting this in its temporal context and its wider socio-political context. How do such policies work? What are the rationales
that underpin them? What is the evidence of their success/failure? Do such policies ‘problematise’ target groups and ignore structural barriers?
Critically assess the policy within sport of seeking to increase participation among specific ‘target groups’ (e.g. young black males). Does this ‘problematise’ the target group?
– This might involve a critical review of policy around ‘targeting’ – setting this in its temporal context and its wider socio-political context. How do such policies work? What are the rationales
that underpin them? What is the evidence of their success/failure? Do such policies ‘problematise’ target groups and ignore structural barriers?
Critically assess the self-images of black male sports people. Have black athletes internalised dominant racialised sport discourses as self-knowledge? (There is a brief discussion of this on page
76 of Giulianotti’s (2005) Sport: A Critical Sociology. You could expand, follow-up the references, look up other articles, etc.)

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