discussion continue analysis of problems and or questions arising in the course thus far

We will continue to identify any general issues about the content of the course – specifically, the cases – that you are unclear about or would like further discussion of. Identify at least two major issues arising from the cases that you think deserve further discussion, and say why you believe this is so.

Here is some of the info on the cases.

“Self-driving vehicles as a disruptive technology”

You should begin your paper by summarizing what is currently known about disruptive innovations and their effects. Then provide a brief description of the self-driving vehicle technology and where it currently stands today. You should then proceed to address the questions posed in the case discussion above: namely, how will society deal with these issues? What will survive this disruptive transition, and what will not? What will our society look like when it is completely transformed by this virtually inevitable technology? Who will the winners and losers be? Conclude your paper with a couple of paragraphs summarizing your views on self-driving vehicles in particular, and how society and organizations might to deal more effectively and productively with disruptive technologies generally.

“What we can and can’t learn about product innovation from the experience of the iPhone”

In this paper, you should use the experiences of the iPhone as illustrations of your general points, but your focus should be on product innovation in general rather than on the iPhone alone. What about the iPhone experience has been typical of major new product innovations? What about this experience has been different from what might’ve been expected? What lessons can other product innovators learn by examining the iPhone experience? Are there any lessons that they might be tempted to learn from the iPhone that would be false and/or misleading? Please conclude with a couple of paragraphs summarizing the current general state of understanding of the product innovation process and how it can be potentially improved.

“Lessons that could be learned by applying BPR principles to my organization”

Start by summarizing the core principles of business process reengineering, as you understand them from your reading and other research. Then identify one or more key process problems that are currently being faced by an organization. Choose an organization you are either a member of, or some other organization whose operations you are significantly familiar with. This need not be a manufacturing organization; the same principles apply to service organizations, nonprofits, and even government agencies. If you cannot find a couple of key process problems, then you are not looking very hard. Briefly describe these problems and their effects on the organization, as well as their place within the organizational structure and hierarchy. Then, drawing on your statement of principles, identify how you think BPR might be usefully applied to the problems you describe, and what you expect some of the results might be. Finally, identify what you see as the major barriers or sources of resistance to attempting a BPR-type solution to your problems. Finish with a summary paragraph in which you assess the overall utility of BPR, in light of the case that you have just described.

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