final reflection about nutrition class 2 pages only

Final Reflection Activity

This is your opportunity to reflect on what you have learned from this class.

Thinking back on the content covered this semester including the diet analysis activities, discuss three things you have learned that you can apply to your own health and nutrition. Paper should be double-spaced (12 pt. font) and should be not exceed 3 pages.

class topics are;

Carbohydrates, Lipids and Proteins.

Energy & Obesity, Nutrition & Fitness, and Childhood Nutrition

Please read evaluation and scoring criteria below.

Exceeds expectations (10 – 9 points)

The reflection provides a thoughtful discussion of at least three concepts and how they apply to the student’s own life. Concepts and connections are elaborated on and may cite text or readings to help elaborate on discussion. Reflection is well-organized and uses appropriate academic writing style. Any cited resources are listed. Response complies with the length requirement.

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