how do the sound and editing contribute to the content of this film

How do the sound and editing contribute to the content of this film?

You may use the following questions to brainstorm and get started. Do not feel obligated to answer every one of these questions. Focus on the questions that you find most compelling or interesting. For each of the questions that you choose to answer, provide clear and specific examples from the film that you have chosen. Use the vocabulary from the book – refer back to your notes and the textbook for help. Please feel free to refer to the “Writing About Movies” supplement to your textbook for reminders about the elements of academic writing about film.

Does the film use match cutting? In what ways?

Does this film mostly use continuity or discontinuity editing? Why do you think the filmmakers made these choices?

Does this film follow or break the 180-degree rule? Why do you think the filmmakers made these choices?

Does the film use any of the types of parallel editing described in the book? How are they used? What do they do for the content of the film?

How is sound used in this film? Is there mostly diegetic or nondiegetic sound?

Are there sound effects used? Ambient sound? Describe the use of these methods. What do they do for the film’s content?


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