how does gps uses linear algebra 1

Hello this is a research paper for a math class explaining how does GPS uses Linear algebra. Using The design matrix, Linearization, Time dilation, pseudo ranges . Make it simple enough for a college student.

paper of around 10-12 pages, double-spaced, including images. Word Document, Times New Roman 12pt, Page count, original work, Easy to follow. You must have at least three sources. Use this YouTube channel : 1.9,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4

The paper should have clear exposition of your topic, and should include some examples that are clearly explained. Your paper should motivate the exposition. Why is your topic interesting? Why should the reader read your paper? Throughout your paper, it should be clear what you are doing and why. Depending on your topic, you may require more space or more pictures to fully explain your ideas, but I expect that all papers will have the equivalent of at least 8 full pages of double-spaced text.

Proof(s) of why main principles are true if that applies to your topic, and/or an original example(s) for a more “applied” topic.

• Good writing that is clear and engaging and targeted for another math student. Section headings are encouraged to show the flow of your paper. Correct grammar and spelling are expected.

• Clear explanations that demonstrate mastery of the material. Your paper CANNOT just summarize the section in the book that you use as a reference, nor directly quote from any source. You need to teach the material, so you should be explaining it in your own words. Explain what you are trying to accomplish in one or two sentences, then explain how it is accomplished.

• Proper formatting of mathematical equations.

• A reference list at the end of your paper listing all sources that you have used to develop your presentation and paper, even if not actually cited. Include a sentence explaining how you used any un-cited source. Do cite references within the paper when appropriate, such as significant arguments, examples, or quotations. Math papers often use simply [1] or ([1], p. xx) to reference source 1 in the list at the end, as opposed to footnotes. You must have at least three sources.

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