Power point

Compare these two viruses: (yellow fever and coronavirus) in a PowerPoint, using this site to do the work:https://www.merckmanuals.com/en-ca/professional?network=g&matchtype=b&keyword=&creative=465139422163&device=c&devicemodel=&placement=&position=&campaignid=11129518728&adgroupid=110536989353&loc_physical_ms=9011885&loc_interest_ms=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIq8Oml_io7AIVlIrICh1QcADXEAAYASAAEgJ5SPD_BwEHighlighting on the PowerPoint; causes, prevention, symptoms, their mechanisms, treatments, characterize them as organisms and reflect their differences and similarities. Reflect if there are vaccines for them or not, and any other aspect to highlight that you find important about them.

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