psy 476 criminal analysis of psychological behavior 1
I need these 12 pages double spaced (not including title and references) in 1 day ( i can extened over one day in case of some emergency)
You will write a paper of approximately 12 -14 pages in length (not including
the title page or references) on a topic relevant to one of our course topics.
This paper must be in APA format.In addition, writing quality (i.e., grammar
and spelling) and organization will count in the grading of this assignment.
Research Paper
The required sections of the paper are: Introduction/Review of Literature, Summary & Conclusions, Mock Research Proposal/Methods, andReferences.
- Introduction/Review of Literature
The Introduction should be a paragraph (or two) noting why this topic is relevant, important (and/or of interest to you).You will do a brief literature search (at least 10 articles from peer-reviewed journals) and give a brief overview of significant findings of these articles.The Review of Literature is essentially an analysis and synthesis of the articles you read on your chosen topic. In this section you should review previous studies (this involves a brief literature search). For each article reviewed in your paper, you should indicate at least 2 limitations of the study/findings (design flaws or methodological shortcomings of other studies, such as population limitations, issues with generalizability, etc.). At the end of this section, you will introduce your mock proposal in light of questions any of these studies left unanswered. For example, your might address previous design flaws or methodological shortcomings of other studies (e.g., population limitations, issues with generalizability, etc.) in designing your mock proposal.
- Summary & Conclusions
This section should be a few paragraphs (two or three) that pull the information from the literature review section of the paper together (e.g., general findings, any major disagreements). This section is not a summary of findings from your mock research.
- Mock Research Proposal/Methods
You will need to write a statement of Hypothesis. In this 1-3 sentence statement, you will explain what results you would expect to find if you were to conduct your mock research proposal. The reason for your expectation should be clear in light of your review of the research.Concepts and terms (e.g., recidivism, relapse, etc.) should be defined/explained clearly as soon as they are introduced.
In your Mock Research Proposal (this is usually considered the Methods section), you will briefly outline a tentative methodological design to test your hypothesis. This should include a description of participants (e.g., males, prisoners, clinical sample, adolescents, etc.), procedures (e.g., are they assigned to a treatment group, is this a retrospective study involving a folder review, are you conducting a survey, etc.), measures (e.g., surveys, assessment devices), etc.We will examine empirical studies in class, and this should help to assist you in writing this section.
This section will be approximately three (3) to five (5) pages in length and must be consistent with IRB Guidelines.To ensure this, you must complete the on-line CITI human subject research course before your paper is submitted for grading.The course may be accessed at:
When you go to register for the course, indicate City University of New York as your organization affiliation, and complete registration.The course takes about 2 hours to complete but it does not have to be completed in one sitting.You can complete part of it, save it, and return to complete it later.Once you have completed and passed the course, submit the completion certificate to Professor Wapner.Failure to do so will affect your grade for the paper.
- References
You will use APA format to list your sources in this section.Although you must use 10 journal articles for this paper, in this section you should include other sources that you have used (e.g., websites, news and magazine articles).
N.B.: For this paper, you should not include articles assigned to the entire class to read on the topic.Although your reactions/opinions may be included here, for the most part this paper should be based on your literature review and formally written.
This assignment is designed to:
#1:To help you practice and improve upon your writing.
- These papers must be written in APA style. (The Sealy Library website gives examples/summarizes APA style).
- Your writing should be clear, grammatical, professional (i.e., not overly personalized) and concise.Excessive errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation can affect your grade.
#2:Develop and refine your critical thinking skills.These papers should reflect original thought in addition to summarizing the readings.This is an opportunity for you to go beyond the readings by developing ideas for future research.
#3: To get you thinking about research – how it is done, why it is done in a certain manner, how might you do it in a different way, what questions remain to be answered, in what areas the research lacking, etc.
if you need any additional help let me know
this website can help aid in finding alot of relative online peer reviewed articles