
In Black Hawk and Maria Stewart we experience a portion of the population oppressed in America at this time.

Do you see any similarity or differences between the writing of Black Hawk and Red Jacket?

Differentiate or point to common attributes between Maria Stewart’s words and those of Anne Hutchison from Week One.

How do the notes in “Reading in Historical Context” contribute to your thoughts on these works?

Rycenga, J. (Fall 2005). A Greater Awakening: Women’s Intellect as a Factor in Early Abolitionist Movements, 1824-1834. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 21(2), 31-59. Retrieved from

Jadviga da Costa Nunes. (1980). Red Jacket: The Man and His Portraits. American Art Journal, 12(3), 5-20. doi:10.2307/1594231 Retrieved from

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