Reflection 2

Reading Reflection: After reading the required material for this module, type a reflection  that include the following:Analyze HOM used: Start your reflection addressing a habit(s) of mind (HOM) that you used to understand the topic and analyze how and why did you use that HOM. Use the“How are we doing” checklist (Download “How are we doing” checklist (Word) to support your reflection.Question: Post one question for the discussion about each chapter. These questions should require interpretation of the ideas laid out in the chapter and should reflect your careful reading and thinking about its content.  You do not need to provide answers to these questions. The quality of your questions will be considered as part of the assignment grade usingArthur Costa’s quinksto an external site.. Make sure to include the level of questioning next to each question.The criteria for your grade will be:Reading reflection (not summary or bullets) (1 point)Analyze HOM used (2 points)Questioning level based on Arthur Costa (2 points)Reading: Ritchhart, et al.  MTV  3 pages 45-52Making Thinking Visible: How to promote engagement, understanding, and independence for all learnersRitchart, R. Church, M., Morrison, K.San Francisco Jossey- Bass Publishers. 2011ISBN-10 047091551XISBN-13 978-0470915516

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