research papers business

The Research Paper is a semester-long assignment. Begin right away. Your paper must be at least 5 full pages, doubled-spaced, with a separate page 6 for the bibliography.

Papers must be written in correct paragraphing, reasonably correct grammar, and correct spelling.

You will conduct research on a major U. S. Corporation that trades stock on the New York Stock 

Exchange because such a corporation is a “publicly traded company,” and you will find plenty of information about your company in the college library. You cannot write your paper about a private company or private corporation because those

organizations do not disclose information to the public.

Your paper must cover four topics:

1.Company history

2.Company products

3.Company services

4.Company marketing

You must use at least five articles from LSCS Library on-line databases (if you are on an LSCS campus, you may also go directly to the library.)

Librarians will assist you either on-line or in person

.Do not use Google or Wikipedia or other Internet sources other than articles from LSCS Library on-line databases.

 Use of Internet sources or other sources instead of the college library will result in agrade of “F.”

Papers must follow MLA format. Put your name and course number in the top left corner of your paper and put the company name at the top of the first paragraph.

Papers must be written in correct paragraphing, reasonably correct grammar, and correct spelling

.All papers must be submitted in an MS Word document.  (The College provides MICROSOFT OFFICE

365 free of charge to students.  See details on the LSCS homepage.) Do not plagiarize

by copying word-for-word from your sources.  A plagiarized paper earns a grade of “F”.  Write the paper in your own words.  You cannot have more than two lines of quoted material in any paragraph.

An entire paragraph of quotes will result in a failed grade

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