Should Physical Education Be Mandatory K-12

Write a research paper (you have an assigned topic; check list for your topic)  that is at least seven (7) FULL pages in length (does not include title page or reference page – includes introduction, pros, cons, and summary/conclusion) on an issue, problem, or trend in either physical education or sports.  Your paper must have at least 10 credible references, double-spaced, one-inch margins, and use APA style.  An  excellent reference for APA style is THE WRITER’S BRIEF HANDBOOK, 5th ed., by Alfred Rosa and Paul Eschholz.

 The deadline for the final paper is June 22.  You may submit either earlier than the deadline if you wish.    

The format for the research paper is as follows:    There are four (4) sections:




                                                                           Summary or Conclusion

                                                                           plus a reference page at the end.    

The majority of the paper should consist of the Pros and Cons.  The Introduction and Summary/Conclusion should be brief.  Your paper will be graded on content, grammar, writing effectiveness, and whether or not you followed directions.

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