Smells Like Clean Spirit: Discussion Questions –

Smells Like Clean Spirit: Discussion Questions
Experimental Psychology (PSYC/CHLD 3404)
Study 1
What was the main hypothesis?
What were the IV and DV, and how was each operationally defined?
What research method was used (e.g., experiment, survey/correlational, quasi-experimental, case study, observation)?
Was it a between-participants or within-participants design?
Were there any issues related to internal validity? Were there any potential confounds?
Study 2
What was the main hypothesis?
What were the IV and DV, and how was each operationally defined?
What research method was used (e.g., experiment, survey/correlational, quasi-experimental, case study, observation)?
Was it a between-participants or within-participants design?
What inferential statistic was used? Why?
Were there any issues related to internal validity? Were there any potential confounds?
Study 3
What were the IV and DV, and how was each operationally defined?
What research method was used (e.g., experiment, survey/correlational, quasi-experimental, case study, observation)?
Was it a between-participants or within-participants design?
Were there any issues related to internal validity? Were there any potential confounds?
Why is interrater reliability an important consideration in studies relying on observations?
Questions About All Three Studies
Was the research basic or applied?
In what situations might you smell cleaning fluids? Generate ways in which this could influence your behavior.
Could the activation of other senses (touch, taste, sound, sight) influence behavior and in what ways?
What other ways could you measure cleaning related behaviors (observational and non-observational)?
In what other contexts could smell influence behavior? Develop a hypothesis and give a brief explanation of how you might go about testing this hypothesis.

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