spss application repairing a data set 1

For this assignment, you are to import a data set provided as an Excel file into SPSS. Although some of the problems may be evident in the Excel file, be sure to import the file as is into SPSS. Do not begin repairing the data until you have imported it into SPSS.

Once the import is complete, you identify each of the 28 errors in the data set and fix them, briefly describing the errors you found and how you fixed them.


Import the given Data Set into SPSS (attached), and then identify all of the errors in the imported SPSS file. For each error that you identify, explain why it is an error and how you fixed it.

The assignment should therefore be a single word document containing two major content areas:

(1) A numbered/bulleted documentation of all errors you found in the Application dataset (not the discussion dataset), and

(2) a screenshot of your corrected data. In order to submit a table of corrected data that shows you did your corrections in SPSS, you must submit one of two work products

(a) An SPSS data table using File->Print function,

(b) Taking a screenshot in dataview. All other tables generated in SPSS or other programs do not demonstrate the competencies required for full credit of the assignment.

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