the together project 1

Sport Fundraising Plan: Sections 1 and 2

The final project in Unit VII requires that you submit a sport fundraising plan. This detailed plan will be based on the proposal you submitted in Unit I, and the plan will outline the fundraising campaign/event of your creation that will support a sport program. A fundraising plan can take many forms; however, for this assignment, a template has been provided for you to use. The information found on pages 19–30 in your textbook regarding the structure and content of a fundraising plan may not look exactly like the template (below) for the assignment, but the information may still provide basic information about what should be included in your fundraising plan.

You will begin by using the sport fundraising plan template. Click here to access the template. (If you have difficulty accessing the sport fundraising plan template, or if you have questions about what part of the template you should be completing in each unit, contact your professor for assistance.)

Be sure to review any suggestions or feedback provided by your professor in regard to the proposal you submitted in Unit I. Using the provided template (above), you will complete the sections as assigned in Units II-VII; in each unit, you will submit the most up-to-date version of the template, which should contain the newly added sections as well as any sections completed in previous units. In Unit VII, you will add your table of contents and make any final revisions before making your final submission.

FEEDBACK: Alvin – You have a good start here. I like the title and this is well written. For the academic portion of this assignment you should be using research to support your main points and a value statement like, “we are trying to help kids and based on this research kids that participate in baseball succeed in school better and contribute to the community”. What is compelling about your program that is different than every other request that this company or person will get? Good start.

For the Unit II Course Project, complete Sections 1 and 2 in the sport fundraising plan by using the template above, and submit the document for grading. Each section should be a minimum of one page in length.

Section 1: Explain who the campaign/event will benefit, what the proceeds will go toward, and where the event will be held. (Example: ABC Organization will hold a 5K event in Your City to raise money for underprivileged children who wish to participate in XYZ sport. ABC Organization has held events for the last decade, and the organization’s successes are XYZ.)

Section 2: Explain why fundraising is necessary for your sport fundraising campaign/event. Consider adding statistics from past research that represent the actual need. (Example: ABC Organization wants to raise funds for children who need assistance paying for local club sports teams due to economic and demographic circumstances. Approximately, 33% of children interested in local club sports come from families who fall below the poverty line.)

Please consider the following as you complete the assignment:
◾Content should be highly relevant, informative, and remain on topic.
◾All assigned tasks should be addressed and proficiently completed.
◾Accuracy should be excellent, and close attention to detail should be clearly evident in all parts of the assignment.
◾Your writing should be clear and concise with excellent use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

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