What is the demographic make-up of your community?

Prompt: Lincoln, Ch. 3 & 4;

Ch. 3 Who lives here…works here…?

  • What is the demographic make-up of your community?
  • Is this a change from ten or twenty years ago?
  • Do you have an immigrant or refugee population?

Immigrants in your community

  • Who are the immigrants in your community?
  • What ways does it challenge you to care for this population?
  • What resources are available…for you…for your patients?
  • Has your organization provided you with continuing education programs about caring for diverse populations?

Ch. 4

List your first positive and negative thoughts after reading each one:

  • African American- college- male- dreadlocks
  • Asian- math- herbs- driving
  • White- pregnant- poverty- alone
  • Native American- overweight- casino- pride
  • Woman- executive- African American- new
  • Elderly- new hire- thrifty- organized

On the scale of 1-5…where are you on the river…?

  • In the clinical setting:       1   2   3   4   5
  • In the staff meeting:          1   2   3   4   5
  • At the supermarket:          1   2   3   4   5
  • At the family gathering:   1   2   3   4   5

Directions: Complete the Reflective Journal questions presented in your Lincoln (Weeks 1-6) and Dayer-Berenson (Weeks 6-8) text as defined in the course outline.  Post the responses to the questions in the D2L dropbox.

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