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Please read the atachment and answer each question. Please write at least 200 words per each case (not 200 words per question of each case), which is supposed to have a minimum of 400 words in total. PLEASE DO NOT COPY SENTENCES OR PHRASES OF SENTENCES DIRECTLY FROM TEXTBOOKS.

Do not use bullet points. Do not use direct quotes.

Opening Case: Making Toys Globally

QUESTION 1: Currently, the use of lead in paint is prohibited for toys sold in the United States, but companies are permitted to sell toys made of plastic that has been treated with lead to make it more flexible even though research shows the toys may be harmful to children. As a CEO of a toy company, what is your responsibility? Is it ethical to sell this type of plastic toy? Should a U.S. distributor be held accountable for the safety of the toys it sources from China?

QUESTION 2: Suppose you know you are selling a plastic toy that could be potentially harmful to children, but the cost of creating a safer toy would more than double its retail price. If consumers are willing to buy the existing product should you change your manufacturing process and raise your price? As a parent would you be willing to pay twice as much for a safer product? Is it fair to consumers who have less disposable income if you do switch your manufacturing process to produce the safer but more expensive toy?

Closing Case: Bitcoin as an Ethical Dilemma

QUESTION 1: Do you think bitcoins are approaching being unethical monetary instruments without technically carrying a value similar to “real” coins?

QUESTION 2: If bitcoins are used to buy drugs, firearms, or other products that are considered illegal in the country in which bitcoins are being used, does that make bitcoins unethical?

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