Anthropology #7

Group 15:


1.)  Do you think people grade harder on their peers or easier as opposed to a teacher? Why?  If you could change one thing about this project what would it be?


2.)  IRBs by nature are slow processes, as they are made of voluntary members and are methodical in looking at any single proposal, described last week as resulting in a tedious process to get approval for even very simple experiments. Why would the system be formed this way?  What is good about it?  What is bad about it?


3.)  There are some fields, like medicine or psychology, where the line between ethical and unethical can be obvious. Less pronounced are the dangers from fields like cultural anthropology in which research may pose a less obvious risk to the well being of a population. What risks may be present in this kind of research? Where is the line between ethical and unethical or is there one?

Group 16:


1.)  Reflecting on our ever growing connectedness as a human race, do you think we will ever adopt a set of “universal morals” to govern not only one country, but all of human society? Is such a set of international moral codes even achievable? And in what ways do we see small scale ideas of this (Such as the UN) in action in our present time? 


2.)  How is it that people with incredibly similar cultures can have very different beliefs?


3.)  According to Sapir and Whorf, a person’s vocabulary can reflect upon his or her physical and social environment. In what ways could your vocabulary reflect your own physical and social environment, specifically?

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