FNU Discussion Response Alvaro Navas Furthermore

Question Description

I need replies for 2 peers in the discussion board, sustained with 4 proper references, 2 for each peer, the reference can not have more than 5 years. In file, I included the post of the 2 peers that are going to be replied. I want 1 paragraph for each one in only 1 page.Attachment preview

People of Chinese and Guatemalan Heritage

Alvaro Navas

Florida National University

People of Chinese and Guatemalan Heritage

                Although excellent modern medical care is available in the capital city of Guatemala for those who can afford it and even for the indigent, millions of people in the rural areas lack adequate health care and health education. The medical training at San Carlos University includes a field stint for advanced students in rural areas, and often these are the only well-trained medical personnel on duty at village-level government-run health clinics. The less well educated have a variety of folk explanations and cures for disease and mental illnesses, including herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, magical formulas, and prayers to Christian saints, local gods, and deceased relatives. Most births in the city occur in hospitals, but some are attended at home by midwives, as is more usual in rural areas. These practitioners learn their skills from other midwives and through government-run courses. For many minor problems, local pharmacists may diagnose, prescribe, and administer remedies, including antibiotics. On the other hand, Underlying philosophies and conceptual frameworks ground Chinese health beliefs. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) emphasizes the universe-human body relationship. Chinese beliefs about health and illness management are holistic, woven into the social and cultural fabric of daily life, conceptualized within the context of yin-yang, hot-cold, and dry-wet balances, as well as qi and holism. Another theory the Chinese use is the Meridian Theory, which assumes that any disorder within a meridian or energy pathway generates disharmony along that meridian. For example; maxillary toothache may result from a disorder of the stomach meridian; likewise mandible toothache may result from a disorder of the large intestine meridian because the large intestine and the mandible run along the same energy channel .Inadequate sleep or stress affects the meridian involving the stomach and are also believed to cause gum disease Based on the concepts of TCM, the Chinese believe that tooth health depends on the condition of the kidneys. The kidneys determine the condition of the bone, as the bone is filled and nourished by marrow, which is believed to derive from the vital essence of the kidneys. The teeth are considered the odds and ends of the bone. Therefore, problems such as loosening of teeth are considered to be an expression of the imbalance between the two vital forces (yin/yang) in the kidneys. Similarly, the gums are related to the stomach via meridians through which vital forces (yin/yang) move. Gum inflammation is believed to result from intense heat or flaring fire in the stomach .

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