
Leadership Traits Assessment


Leadership is the ability to influence others and shape the outcome of events. Leaders accomplish this both by their outward behaviors (what they do), and their inner traits (who they are).

The actions that leaders take to influence others and shape events are reflections of their competencies based on their knowledge, skills, and their ability to apply them. These behavioral or competency aspects of leadership can be developed.

But, leaders also influence others by who they are. Their inner qualities, such as: how they think; their character and personality; and their core values; are what inspires trust and causes others to follow their lead.

These inner traits and values are not easy to develop. They are usually formed early in life and become ingrained in a person …. It’s who they are.

It is the internal character traits of a leader that causes others to respect and trust them. People tend to believe in and follow those with strong character traits. These internal traits are persistent characteristics of a person.

This Leadership Traits Assessment seeks develop your awareness of these traits in yourself, and to learn how others see these traits reflected in your behavior as a leader.


Use the Rating Scale below to rate yourself on the 10 core leadership traits. It is also useful to get your manager, mentor, or trusted colleague to rate you on these traits. Comparing your ratings with others and reflecting on the results can help you utilize your strengths and focus on areas of needed development.



Traits Assessment






See themselves as responsible for the situations they find themselves in and take the initiative. Believes that their success or failure is due to factors within their own control, such as their effort, ability, persistence, or actions.

Strategic Thinking

Has a capacity for foresight. Thinks ahead to the desired outcome, and takes actions designed to achieve it.



A rigorous, systematic mode of thinking that gathers and assesses relevant information to reach to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions. Also, uses probing questions to determine the underlying logic, assumptions, and biases in the thinking others.

Self Esteem and Self Confidence

Sees themselves as a valuable, worthy, capable person. Has an inner confidence based on their ability to think, learn, lead, adapt, and make appropriate choices and decisions. Not based on arrogance or false bravado.

Honesty and Personal Integrity

Is truthful and open with all those they work with, and exhibits personal Integrity by ensuring their actions and decisions are consistent with their words and values.


Reliably follows through on what they say they will do. They are accountable for their actions and responsive to the needs of others. They can be counted on.

Perseverance and Resilience

They exhibit a tendency not to give up in the face of adversity or setbacks, but remain focused on achieving their goals. They show resilience in their ability to bounce back and learn from setbacks.

Genuine Caring and Respect for Others

They genuinely care about connecting with the people they lead. They see their role as; inspiring, nurturing, growing, and supporting those people. They actively seek the ideas and opinions of their followers and involve and enlist them in their plans.

Motivation to Lead and Achieve

Exhibits motivation to use their leadership power to make a difference and achieve important organizational, professional, or social goals. They take satisfaction in their ability to inspire, focus, and organize others in pursuit of important goals. Their motives are not to have personal control over others or a desire for personal status and gain.

Self Awareness and Reflection

They desire to learn about their individual personality and character and what part they play in their leadership style. They want to know how they affect others. They want insights into how they can best use their strengths. They seek feedback and information about themselves, reflect on the insights, and try to improve.


What do you consider the 3-4 most valuable personal character traits that support your leadership style?

How could you strengthen your reputation with others with respect to these key personal traits?

What traits do you need to develop or exhibit more in the workplace?

How would you develop those traits or exhibit them more consistently?

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