Online Pharmacies (OPs) –

Online Pharmacies (OPs)
Order Description
Aims and objectives of the study
– This research investigates the degree to which Online Pharmacies (OPs) adhere to national regulations and explores any potential safety issues that arise from using them.
– This research based on two studies, the first part is a survey questionnaire with users (customers) of the registered online pharmacies in the UK. and the second is online pharmacies website search (analysis content).
– The objectives of this study:
• To determine the nature of drugs supplied nationally as well as other medical and pharmaceutical services offered by UK OPs to the public.
• To review the reported cases of adverse drug events by OPs.
• To explore users’ experiences and perceptions regarding the services provided by OPs.
The required is to design a questionnaire for the second part of this study ascertained the opinions, experiences and perceptions of online pharmacies’ users/customers on the services offered by these online pharmacies. As a result, the most appropriate research design for this study is an online survey using a structured questionnaire.
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