read the article and answer the question 9

B. READ Lim, Song Hwee. “The Burden of Representation: Ang Lee’s The Wedding Banquet,” in Lim, Celluloid Comrades: Representations of Male Homosexuality in Contemporary Chinese Cinemas. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i, 2006: 69-98. Answer the following questions: Do you think “Wedding Banquet” is realistic? How would it be different today, now that gay marriage is legal for immigration? What kinds of problems does the movie highlight about immigration, the law, and wealth/poverty?

D. Read (or view) any one of the following and summarize it in your own words: 1. Lim, Song Hwee. “Traveling Sexualities: Wong Kar-wai’s Happy Together.” In Lim, Celluloid Comrades: Representations of Male Homosexuality in Contemporary Chinese Cinemas. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i, 2006, 99-125

2 pages total, double spacing. APA format.

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