speech writing write a 400 word speech that announces the partnership and program on behalf of a president of university


Andrew Hamilton, the president of NYU, has to give a short speech about a new partnership with Weber Shandwick (the global PR agency). NYU and Weber Shandwick have partnered to launch a program that’s focused on increasing the number of technology-savvy and globally-engaged professionals in the media and communications sectors. Students who are selected for the program will receive a full two-year scholarship from Weber Shandwick to earn a master’s degree in communications from NYU.

The name of the new program is: Global Communications.

The goal of the program is to increase the number of diverse, tech-savvy and globally engaged professionals who are prepared for careers in communications within corporations, nonprofit organizations, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and government settings.

Write a 400-word speech (about five minutes) for Andrew Hamilton, the president of NYU, that announces the partnership and program. Hamilton will read the speech that you write. Read the speech out loud to yourself or a friend and time yourself giving the speech!

Use 1.5 or double-spacing, follow AP style, check grammar, sentence structure and proofread your work.

The audience for the speech consists of NYU faculty across schools and programs, undergraduate and graduate students across majors/concentrations, schools and programs, staff and administrators. Weber Shandwick executives and staff are also in the audience.


Create an outline

Introduction (consider your audience, relevance)

Proposition (what idea(s) is the speechgiver promoting) and supporting points that are relevant to the audience


– Introduction: The introduction to a speech identifies the topic and sets the tone for what follows.

– Proposition: The main idea that you want to leave with the audience. There are three kinds of propositions:

Factual: asserts the existence of something like, “Climate change has impacted 325 billion people”. (Linked with awareness objectives, increasing attention and building understanding).

Value: asserts the worthiness, merits or benefits of the subject or idea.

Policy: identifies a course of action and encourages adoption, could be a proposal

Helpful notes:

PR professionals write speeches for other people – it’s a key function.

Think about the setting(s) for a speech:

A speech given in front of a “live” audience.

A speech given to a televised audience.

– Propositions must be supported with arguments (subordinate points or supporting information)

– Conclusion: A conclusion to a speech is a brief summary that pulls together the key recommendations of the entire speech and often leaves the audience with inspiring ideas or a proactive challenge.

– Write for the ear: Speeches need to sound good – that’s why you need to read what you write out loud to yourself or someone else. Write in a conversational tone that embodies the tone and style of the speaker you’re writing for.

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