Topic 5 DQ 2 paragraph 3

Question Description

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in case of another source.

There are several professional nursing organizations that can help nurses stay current in the field of study or specialty, network with other nurses, as well as many other professional and personal benefits. According to Guerrieri (2010), “Belonging to a professional nursing organization brings increased professionalism, autonomy, and self-regulation while offering additional benefits such as social interactions and peer support” (p.47).

Networking is obviously one of the benefits offered by nursing organizations to its members, which may include conventions, online discussions, and forums. These social networks provide opportunities for “rapid knowledge exchange and dissemination of information among many people” (ANA, 2011, p.3). By connecting with other nurses, members may get a chance to hear how others are handling the same or similar challenges or issues. Organizations can also contribute to professional growth through networking at local and national meetings.

It’s no surprise to see how networking opportunities offered by many professional nursing organizations add value and can help in many areas such as education, career development, and even give a sense of belonging and encouragement through interactions with other nurses (Guerrieri, 2010).

Professional nursing organizations represent a public image of the nursing profession and its specialties—gains public trust in the profession and the “organization builds on the trust as it promotes awareness of public policy and advocates for patient welfare” (Guerrieri, 2010, p.47).

This also gives members opportunities to become more informed about healthcare policies and contribute to patient advocacy. By advocating for the nursing profession, professional organizations, along with their members, “educate the public, policy makers, healthcare administrators, and professionals on specific issues (Matthews, 2012, “Unity in advocacy”). Moreover, organizations lobby on behalf of all nurses at all levels of government on issues that directly impact its members, such as education and practice. Nursing organizations also use networking to get more people who support their views, thereby increasing the chances of success in the legislative process.

Organizations also play an integral part in shaping health policy. By their memberships, nurses at every level have opportunities to get involved in the process that shape nursing practice. As stated by Matthews (2012), professional organizations were “created by nurses for nurses to vocalize nursing values, integrity practice, and social policy” (Matthews, 2012, “The profession’s advocacy efforts”).


American Nurses Association. (2011). ANA’s principles for social networking and the nurse.

Guidance for registered nurses. Retrieved from

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