view on this discussion was that the only social responsibility of businesses is to increase profits

believe that businesses do have a moral and social obligations to future generations of people to Show more I believe that businesses do have a moral and social obligations to future generations of people to protect the environment. Milton Friedmans view on this discussion was that the only social responsibility of businesses is to increase profits. Many like him believe that due to the fact that we dont know who the future generations of people are we shouldnt consider that aspect of life when it comes to business. Bettering the present is always good but the question everyone must ask is: at what cost is increasing profits beneficial? If we dont spend time and money considering about the future and the planet there wont be a planet to live on for these companies to make profits. Samsung Apple and many other electronic companies dump electronic waste in different parts of Africa and other third world countries every day. Its leading to the water in the areas of these mass waste dumping getting polluted. When the water gets polluted it not only affects the health of the people drinking it but it also leads to increases in temperature. The problem in the world is these major corporations dont care about the environment. They only care about immediate profits and its leading to massive Global warming and the extinction of many animas around the world. This is why I believe that companies have a moral obligation to look at environmental issues. There are no profits to be made if there is no planet to live on. QUESTION: Do you consider this to be true? If so state your reasons to support your views. Show less




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